Motivational Gurus The People Who Are Redefining Success

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Brian Tracy - How To Master Your Time

Those who get more done in less time get more out of life . . . more rewards, more success, and more free time to pursue their dreams and enjoy themselves.

In fact, you’ll discover from success expert Brian Tracy, that “the quality of your life is largely determined by the quality of your time management.”

You don’t have to be cold and calculating to be well organized. Time mastery does not mean letting the clock rule your life. In fact, the very opposite is true: time mastery gives you the absolute freedom to do what you want, when you want to do it. Ironically, you even learn to make time for spontaneity. The more time you make for yourself, the more free time you’ll have.

Unlike many programs on time management, this program has no charts, no forms, no daily schedules. Tracy believes in them but knows you are quite capable of developing them for yourself. His purpose in this program is to teach you the philosophy of time management, to help you internalize it, and to help you develop a belief system that will make your every moment more efficient.

As Tracy puts it:
“This program is the result of 20 years of experience—of research and teaching with more than 200 corporations. I designed this program to give you everything you will ever need to know about mastering your time for your personal life and career.”

You’ll make a decision to become excellent at time management . . . to concentrate on the highest pay-off tasks. Your life will simply begin to work better.

Through repeated listening to these tapes, you’ll learn to:
• Use positive self-talk and affirmations to change your self-conceptions about time
• Visualize efficiency and excellence using mental rehearsal techniques
• Model your own behavior after the most efficient people you know
• Learn to lead others as an example of successful time management
• Become results-oriented, working smarter, not harder
• Delegate more effectively and become more adept at prioritizing
• Energize yourself with the positive results of your labor

By becoming a master of your time, you’ll greatly improve the sense of control you have and in turn improve your well-being in every aspect of your life.
Brian Tracy Master Your Time Audio Book Volume 1 25.7 MB (Rapidshare)
Brian Tracy Master Your Time Audio Book Volume 2 22.9 MB (Rapidshare)
Brian Tracy Master Your Time Audio Book Volume 3 20.5 MB (Rapidshare)
Brian Tracy Master Your Time Audio Book Volume 4 23.7 MB (Rapidshare)
Brian Tracy Master Your Time Audio Book Volume 5 18.7 MB (Rapidshare)
Brian Tracy Master Your Time Audio Book Volume 6 22.4 MB (Rapidshare)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Suze Orman - Step 9: Recognizing true wealth

Step 9: Recognizing true wealth

The final step is the simple recognition that the truly valuable things in life are not monetary. It seems simple, but so many people overlook this fact. The most valuable thing in my life, for instance, is the smile of my son when I’m playing with him. It has no real financial value, but no amount of money can ever replicate that feeling.

The final three steps are quite short, but they are important in one fundamental way: the true path to wealth comes not from having enough money, but from having inner peace.
Suze Orman Giving Is Receiving Audio Book 2.0 MB (Rapidshare)
Suze Orman The Dharma Of Money Audio Book 1.2 MB (Rapidshare)
Suze Orman True Riches Audio Book 1.6 MB (Rapidshare)

Suze Orman - Step 8: Understanding the ebb and flow of the money cycle.

Step 8: Understanding the ebb and flow of the money cycle.

This step is merely the realization of the fact that much good can come from the bad times in our lives, whether it be new opportunities or merely personal growth. Quite often, the mistakes one makes in life end up being the foundation for much greater things.
Suze Orman Trust Your Inner Voice Audio Book 2.0 MB (Rapidshare)
Suze Orman Hiring A financial Advisor Audio Book 1.6 MB (Rapidshare)
Suze Orman Pass On Your Monet Sense Audio Book 1.2 MB (Rapidshare)

Suze Orman - Step 7: Being open to receive all that you are meant to have.

Step 7: Being open to receive all that you are meant to have.

This step focuses on the fact that money in and of itself doesn’t really bring happiness, but that happiness can bring money. Thus, money is merely a tool to bring about happiness.

Suze gives some solid advice here on the therapeutic effects of giving to charities, as well as the strong bromide that you should never let cash gifts interfere with family and friends. Yet much of this comes off as a contradiction, since most of the book up to this point focuses on how to balance your financial life and accumulate wealth.
Suze Orman Mutual Funds Audio Book 1.9 MB (Rapidshare)
Suze Orman Index Funds Audio Book 1.0 MB (Rapidshare)

Suze Orman - Step 6: Trusting yourself more than you trust others

Step 6: Trusting yourself more than you trust others

After two chapters of pretty solid individual financial advice, the sixth step focuses on building wealth for yourself. Basically, this chapter focuses on trusting yourself in terms of where to go next once your financial house is in order.

Suze is a big proponent of complete trust in your gut feelings, and most of this chapter focuses on that, particularly in terms of how you can use that gut feeling to guide your investing. The whole point of this chapter, in fact, is that you should become as comfortable as you can with your money so that you can follow your pure gut instinct about what’s right for you, which makes a lot of sense. She even provides a seven page questionnaire that can guide you along this path of comfort.

One portion of this section that made me somewhat uncomfortable is her repeated hinting that one should really get a financial planner, which seems to contradict most of what she says. For example, she continually points out that most index-based mutual funds beat managed mutual funds, but in the next breath she encourages readers to seek out a financial planner for advice. If you’re investing the time to read this book, wouldn’t it make sense to also invest the time to do the planning yourself?
Suze Orman Time Is Money Audio Book 1.5 MB (Rapidshare)
Suze Orman Get Out Of Debt Audio Book 2.3 MB (Rapidshare)
Suze Orman Found Money Audio Book 1.8 MB (Rapidshare)
Suze Orman Make Your Mortage Pay Audio Book 1.6 MB (Rapidshare)